Via Engiadina
A wild natural landscape featuring the ancient Castle of Tarasp, the Baths of Scuol, the Romansch culture varying from village to village rich in tradition but nevertheless innovative and modern. This is the Lower Engadine - a valley far away from the busy tourist routes and ‘waiting to be discovered’. This journey is especially enjoyable combining the beautiful timeless villages rich in culture and tradition and with their own unique architecture. The local language is Romansch, the least spoken of the four official languages of Switzerland. The paths of this self guided tour are well marked and the guests only need to carry their lunch with them as the bags will be moved onto the next hotel.
You stay at the hotel Altana and discover the Via Engiadina by making day trips using the Engadin Scuol Mobil Card with which you can got to all starting and end points and be back for good supper at the Altana. Reservations are best made by phone or e-mail.