Guestcard PLUS
From your first overnight stay, you receive free travel on public transport all year round. You also benefit from free and discounted holiday experiences.
RhB (2nd class, excl. bike transport)
S-chanf – Zernez – Scuol-Tarasp
PostBus / Engadin Bus (excl. bike transport)
All lines in the Lower Engadine, Val Müstair and Samnaun as well as three-country trip via Reschenpass and trip from Sta. Maria to Tirano, Zernez – Livigno (Silvestribus) at a special price of CHF 5.00
Cableway Scuol and chair lift Ftan
In summer daily unlimited ride incl. bike transport, in winter daily one ascent and descent incl. toboggan rental
Holiday experiences
Free/discounted participation in the holiday tips as well as reduced admission to tourist experiences,
20 % discount on a visit to the Bogn Engiadina bathing and sauna area
Sie können die GÄSTEKARTE plus auch für verschiedene Vergünstigungen wie Dorfführungen oder Eintritte in der Ferienregion Engadin Scuol-Samnaun-Val Müstair verwenden.